Sunday, August 29, 2010

Austin's Universe

Five-year-old Austin left his mother’s side to play. Without delay, she called for him: “Hey Austin?” “Yes, Mom?” “You’re my sunshine!” He smiled and replied, “Hey, Mom?” “What is it Austin?” “You’re my moon!” Austin skipped down the hall a few steps, paused, turned and ran back towards his mother. “Actually Mom, you’re not my moon…you’re my universe!”

Austin’s words would warm any mother’s heart. Austin was right. His mother was his universe. She was everything to him. Austin relied on his mom to provide his basic needs. His mother supplied food for him to eat, a nice home, and she loved him dearly. She provided for Austin in ways a five-year old brain can’t comprehend. Besides food and shelter, Austin’s mom (together with his father) provided protection; training and instructions on how to live and one day leave the nest, able to flourish on his own.

Children provide an excellent model for how we can convey our love to God. If we observe children closely, we get a clear picture of how to worship Jesus. Children are FULL of questions. They need input so they are constantly asking us how this or that works and why. Why? Why? Why? God encourages our questions. Nothing is “off-limits” so ask Him the tough ones!

Children are sponges for love and attention. They offer spontaneous hugs and “I love yous” throughout the day. If we’re going somewhere, they want to go. If we are hanging out, they want to hang out with us. God longs for time with us. He is pleased when His children express their love and honor him.

When children are hurt or faced with any injustice, they approach us to cry, tattle or plead their case. They seek us first regarding cuts and boo-boos. They constantly ask for snacks and meals. They desire (and sometimes require) our attention all day long and into the night. They are needy little things! God is close to the broken-hearted. He wants us to “seek Him first” and to “cast our cares” upon Him. God reminds us that when we come to Him, He will give us rest. In short, “… my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:19 NIV).

Next time you desire to worship God, think like a child. Picture yourself, running up to Jesus, jumping up into his lap. I encourage you to rest your little head, with all its concerns and worries, into the nook of His neck. Laugh, speak, weep, worship. He anxiously awaits your arrival.