I casually dried my dishwashing hands, reluctant to see what “present” our newly adopted feline friend could have bestowed.
This was seven-month-old Dora’s first gift and quite coincidently, her first Thanksgiving with us. Dora (a.k.a. “Catface”) is what you might call an adopted, hand-me-down stray. We received her from a family member who, when it comes to helpless kittens, has a heart larger than her home.
I eased over to the crowd already formed near the front door. Just as I thought, there lay Dora’s fresh kill—the proverbial mouse, struck down in his prime, a love offering from a grateful pet.
We stood around staring at the lifeless creature for quite a while. Then, my daughter poised a question that would secure her a spot in the DeMent Kid Quote Hall of Fame (not her first by the way). Lauren asked: “Mom, How does Dora know it’s Thanksgiving?” Her words still evoke laughter.
“Honey, I explained. “Dora doesn’t know. She is just doing what cats do. They deliver “gifts” to their owners from time to time. Maybe they are offering thanks. Maybe they are proud of their catch and desire to share their bounty.”
Over the course of 17 years, American writer and editor, Sarah Hale wrote letters to five United States presidents campaigning for a national day of thanks. In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln granted Sarah’s request and established legislation for a National Day of Thanksgiving.
I love that our country designates a day to give thanks. I enjoy spending time with family, watching my Dallas Cowboys (win hopefully) and eating all of those delicious tried and true recipes. But, I challenge you: Allow Thanksgiving Day to be more than a day of feasting on food and football. Allow this one day to set the tone for the other 364. Create a healthy habit of giving thanks each day. Rich, poor, young, old, married, single, healthy, unhealthy-regardless of our position, I pray we all cultivate a grateful heart.
Dora didn’t just kill a mouse where it stood. She brought it before her owners. She laid her gift at our feet. I pray this Thanksgiving, we will do the same. We will present thanks to our Owner, the “giver of all good things.”
Happy Thanksgiving!
"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord" (Psalm 150:6 NIV).