Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Signs and Wonders

By Mary DeMent

While driving last week, my eyes caught sight of a familiar sign. It was white with black lettering. You’ve seen similar signs peppered across intersections, highways and even country roads. Like other signs, it was posted to get my attention. But it wasn’t addressing my speed, a school zone or a change in traffic flow. Nor was it alerting me to a no-parking zone or an unlawful u-turn area. This sign was small and round with two simple words. Down below those two words, in smaller print, read: “In Memory Of” and it listed a girl’s name. Those words altered my driving (and my thoughts) for the afternoon. The small, white, round sign, covered in a circle of flowers, simply said, “Drive Carefully.” But, those two words said much more to passersby.

The sign said, “My loved one died here, in this very spot, due to someone’s driving negligence or maybe it was an accident. Regardless, the cause of death involved a vehicle much like your own, so please, drive carefully.

As I passed, I paused. And I prayed. I paused to think of that girl or woman who lost her life. Breathing one moment, on her way…somewhere. Then, a screech, a crash, mangled steel and her trip, her life, over. I prayed for her family. I prayed I would heed their request.

I remembered Andy, my former neighbor. A fence separated our backyards. He loved growing things, all kinds of things. And Andy loved fireworks. He would shoot them off on holidays, on weekdays, any day, any hour. One day, the plants stopped growing. The noise ceased. Shortly after, a sign appeared near our house. A round sign, covered with flowers and Andy’s name.

I thought about the reckless ways I’ve seen people drive. I thought about the reckless ways I’ve seen people live. I wondered how we would respond if the roads we traveled were decorated with signs that read, “LIVE CAREFULLY.” Would we obey those traffic signs? Would flashing lights follow if we failed to observe the warning? I wonder.

Sometimes, “flashing lights” do follow. They are called, “consequences.” Touch a hot stove; receive a burn. Jump off a tall building; break a bone. Talk to me before my first cup of coffee; receive a blank stare. A friend who teaches troubled youth often tells “her” boys, “You can choose your actions, but you can’t always choose your consequences.”

Occasionally, though, we escape consequences (or so we think). An ancient text says this, “As I have observed, those who plow evil and those who sow trouble reap it” (Job 4:8 NIV). The author of Hebrews writes, “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account” Hebrews 4:13 NIV).

Let’s live carefully. Ready to give an account for our lives, ready to be investigated, ready to help others join us in living life carefully. Such lives can be signs many will notice as they see us, watch us, hear us, or live right beside us.


James Rovira said...

Fabulous, Mary...heck, I still need to hear this :).


Chris said...

Good words, Mary.

I didn't know you could still see me drive! I've moved 502 miles away and you can still watch me drive while talking on the cell phone or typing on my pocket pc. I guess I should be more careful.

You are correct, though. I pray we will learn from your words.

Another School Year Ends:


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Mary.

A great reminder for all of us to slow down and pay attention.

Anonymous said...

This is great...
This has really hit close to home after Adam's second vehicle accident "in less than two months".
I thank God that he and the other drivers were not seriously injured.
I pray that we all will heed the waring signs that God has place in our lives and not take what He has given us for granted.


Anonymous said...

This is great...
This has really hit close to home after Adam's second vehicle accident "in less than two months".
I thank God that he and the other drivers were not seriously injured.
I pray that we all will heed the waring signs that God has place in our lives and not take what He has given us for granted.


tenoll said...

Such a great reminder that life is so precious. We are here one moment and gone the next. We can be so careless wiht our words and actions not realizing that they affect so many people around us. I pray that others will read those signs and be more careful so that maybe those people's deaths will save someone else's life.